Thank you very much for registering for the 2024 LO300. Below is key information that may aid you in your participation, such as showing any mandatory items. If you have any questions, concerns, or issues, please reach out to us by email at
Applicable links that may be useful for this event can be found on YachtScoring’s web page for this event under Additional Event Links.
Key dates and times outlined below include:
Friday, July 12th 10:00-17:30 - Mandatory Check-in
Friday, July 12th 17:00-18:00 - Tech Talks presented in tent on PCYC front lawn.
Friday, July 12th 17:30-20:30 – PCYC Friday BBQ (Reservations required)
Friday, July 12th 19:00-20:00 - Mandatory Participants Meeting
Saturday, July 13th 07:00 - LO300 Breakfast by ACCESS ABILITIES.
Saturday, July 13th 10:20 - First Warning
Sunday, July 14th 20:00 onwards until the evening of Tuesday, July 16th, Shoreline/Post-race Check-in with tracker return and the famous LO300 Chili
Saturday, July 20th 18:00 LO300 & SHTR Flag Ceremony at Etobicoke Yacht Club. (Reservations required for dinner)
CLICK HERE TO VIEW FULL DOCUMENT as there is much critical info including obtaining a slip and details on all the fun social events!