A not-for-profit organization coordinating the greatest racing on the lake.
Comprised of volunteers from various yacht clubs across the Great Lakes, we strive to deliver the best racing throughout the season. We organize and execute The Susan Hood Trophy Race, The Lake Ontario 300 and the Lake Ontario Offshore Racing Series.

The 2024 Ambassadors are:
Simon Mielniczuk Ashbridges Bay Yacht Club
Andrea Mooney Ashbridges Bay Yacht Club
Stuart Rice AlexandraYacht Club
Rob Bartholomew Boulevard Club
Bryan Simms Bronte HarbourYacht Club
Terry Kuehn Bluffer's Basin: Cathedral BluffsYacht Club,
HighlandYacht Club,
Scarborough Bluffs Yacht Club
Brian Mitchell CobourgYacht Club
Geoffrey Roulet CollinsBayYacht Club (Kingston)
Jim White Dalhousie Yacht Club
Mac MacKenzie Etobicoke Yacht Club
Brent Hughes Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club
Dave Courtney LakeShore Yacht Club
Yuriy Mikhailov Mimico Cruising Club
Chris Bobyk Mimico Cruising Clu
Kathleen Timmis Royal CanadianYacht Club
Colin Brown Royal Hamilton Yacht Club
Rob Cajolet Toronto Multihull Cruising Club
John Greenham Toronto Hydroplane & Sailing Club
Martin Osborne Toronto Hydroplane & Sailing Club
Joe Doris LakeshoreYacht Club
Kim Pillar Port CreditYacht Club
To contact your club representative please find their contact information through your club's member roster