Lake Ontario Offshore Cruising Rally
Cruise – Party – Breakfast - Cruise
Registration for the Rally Opens in January

Brand new this year, the Lake Ontario Offshore Racing (LOOR) committee is organizing a rally - not a race, a rally - all the fun without the stress. This event is open to all yachts (Note 1) and any crew configurations (Note 2) including fully crewed, to sail down to Dalhousie Yacht Club on Saturday September 16, then enjoy the festivities at DYC, stay the night, then return the next day for a cruise back to PCYC (Sept 17th). The cost to register for the event (both cruises) is $50 + tax (Note 3) and you can register for the event at https://yachtscoring.com/emenu.cfm?eid=16081. You can rent a slip or raft on the wall at DYC but space is limited so the sooner you can register the better. Since this is a cruise, you can use your engine to help you get there in time for dinner.

Saturday 16th 1100 – Cruise to Dalhousie Yacht Club
The Cruising Rally starts just off from the PCYC harbour opening at 11 am. All cruisers should be at the PCYC Race Committee boat, Heron II, at this time and wait for the start signal.
Saturday 16th 1700 – Dinner at DYC
Racers and Cruisers will meet up south of the Fuel Dock for a social event. The bar will be open and stories of the race and cruise will abound. We are asking all cruisers and racers to bring an appetizer to share. 2 beer tickets will be given to each person as they arrive.
Dinner at DYC (all dinners are individually plated)
1. BBQ Grilled Chicken
2. 1/3 Rack BBQ Ribs
3. Corn on the Cob
4. Potato Salad
5. Vanilla caramel Swirl Cake
Cost: $40 (includes HST & Gratuity)
Participants must register for dinner by emailing reservations@dalhousieyachtclub.com. The deadline for dinner reservations will be Friday September 8, 2023, at midnight. Invoices will be sent to all individuals who reserve & must be paid by Tuesday September 12, 2023.
Sunday 17th 0700 – Breakfast at DYC
Sunday Morning, Dockside at DYC, there will be a breakfast featuring:
Balzac’s Coffee (ordered more this year)
Budapest Bakery Breakfast Chimney’s
13th Street Winery Butter Tarts
Local Fruit
Open to all racers and cruisers before the cruise back to PCYC.
Sunday 17th 1100 – Cruise back to PCYC
All cruisers meet outside the DYC harbour opening near the LOSHRS committee boat. At 11 AM the cruise back to PCYC begins.
Great Cruising, Great Event, and a great way to enjoy sailing on September!
Bring your friends!
Useful Links:
Event Registration: https://yachtscoring.com/emenu.cfm?eid=16081
Cruising Rally Protocol Guide: https://yachtscoring.com/event_documents/16081/LOOR_Cruising_Rally_2023_Protocol_V01.pdf
Dalhousie Yacht Club: https://www.dalhousieyachtclub.com/
Guest Slip Reservation: https://mydyc.ca/index.php/visitors/book-a-guest-dock (Deadline: Sunday September 10th, 2023)
Dinner Reservations: reservations@dalhousieyachtclub.com (Registration Deadline: Friday September 8th, 2023)
Links to reserve a slip at PCYC for Friday night before the race and/or Sunday night after returning:
Note 1: Yachts must be 24’ and longer and must conform to the OSR Category 4 Safety specifications. For more info, go to https://yachtscoring.com/event_documents/16081/LOOR_Cruising_Rally_2023_Protocol_V01.pdf
Note 2: Some age restrictions exist. See the Protocol document as in Note 1.
Note 3: Includes the cruise registration for both days with 2 beer tickets and Sunday breakfast for each crew. The optional dinner at DYC is not included and must be booked with DYC directly.